Friday, June 4, 2010

BP, Huh???

. . .those of you who don’t already understand the actual slave state you exist in, this blog will most certainly be lost upon. Those of you acutely aware of the puppet masters and their grand schemes for human development under their strict control read on.
The spill in the Gulf of Mexico was barely an accident. I try very hard NOT to be a conspiracy guy, but you know what. . .there comes a point where evidence and obviousness overwhelm the logical need for due process. Fuck these fat pigs in their offices and their need for control. The world is ours, not theirs. The sooner we all realize that these pigs have raided our sacred coffers of any meaning, the sooner the world will be safer. By sacred coffer, I of course refer to our basic and inborn rights to speech, religion or non-religion, control of our bodies, habeas corpus, etc.; rights that have been slowly eroding in this country since the establishment of the Federal Reserve and the US engagement in the IMF and United Nations.
Terrorists??? HAH!! I’m more afraid of international bankers and oil big wigs from the UK and the US than ANY fucking Islamic fundamentalist group.
The fact of the matter is that this ship sank in area that contributes to ⅓ of the country’s seafood industry, as well as 2 of the 6 MAJOR ports where oil is imported from the middle east. All of these industries, not individual businesses mind you but entire industries, are now VOID of productive value and therefore add to the economic woes of the country.
How does this tie in to the common persons life?? hmmmm. . .lets speculate a little. . .based upon fact, of course.
The south is a generous giver of the gifts of life. Corn, wheat, oats, beans (including the vast majority of US soy for you vegetarians), various fruits, fish, cattle, sheep, and cotton are all dependent upon stable southern US trade routes. Once the ships were no longer regularly allowed to enter these major ports, the trucking routes are disrupted, and the entire modern practice of established trade for all of these products is affected.
So you see. . .its not JUST oil that’s affected. ..its food, clothing, banking, shipping, oil. . .etc. . .THIS ALL BOILS DOWN TO YOU AND ME. . . we need to make sure that when this issue comes up we e-mail the reps of BP, the banking industry, and those who would profit from such a loss to the overall economy. Then we need to stand together in formal protest. Then we need to let representatives in the house and senate know that if they do not persue this in a criminal manner THEY LOSE THEIR SEATS. . .we need to go further. I wont and refuse to condone violent action, but will say that direct humiliation of the reps of these companies in public is not only a humorous response to their disregard for ALL life, not just human; but also a nonviolent, Mahatma approved form of nonviolent disobedience to our corporate masters.

For further reading I suggest Confessions of an Economic Hitman, and The Creature from Jekyll Island.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Anon ymous goodbyes.

April of 2000 was cold and wet in New York City. The kind of cold and wet that made spring seem like an eternity away. I was young enough to be unconcerned with the venture we were undertaking for the better part of April and the first weeks of May. Touring Europe with a punk rock band was, for many of our friends, both an unreachable dream, and a right of passage for the more serious bands.
Todd was upset that the banks didn’t disintegrate with Y2K. Brian was psyched about the tour, as were Sharon and Derik. I was more anxious about playing well than anything, but this tour ended up being more fun than any of us had dreamed about.
The part of our Euro-rock adventure that is important to the tale here is a stop we made in Croatia. We played in a poor town; at a club right on the river that fed the small semblance of local trade that existed. There has been a little debate between as to the name of the town, the exact town we were in. We really only did a few days in old Eastern Europe, so to misname the town would besmirch the accuracy of the tale and therefore is being omitted.
There were kids lined up outside, too poor to pay the entry to the club and buy a record, so many were opting to just buy a record and go have a beer with their friends somewhere else. The kids were so poor that the show, a record, and 2 beers were equal to about a weeks pay…and those who could were spending it to see the Cable Car Theory.
We decided to hand out records for free. . .this way a few more kids could come see the show. The clubs in Europe generally gave a case of beer or two to the bands, and we shared these with the kids who came in as well.
At some point during the night, one of the locals we befriended began telling us about the Nazi problem in the town. Kids were beaten, mugged, humiliated, and occasionally hospitalized. They were being bullied, intimidated, and psychologically beat down by people of such low caliber it made me sick. Low and behold, a few of the Nazis showed up to the show.
Andre Funke told them to fuck off during Come What May’s set. There was a confrontation with them during our set, and we scared them out of the club. For the first time, the asshole contingent of the town was put in their place, and they ran like the cowards they are; tails between their legs. The kids…were alright.
April of 2007 was warm in New York City. It was the kind of warm that melts the frost just below the topsoil and sends that moist aroma of planting earth into the air. Den of Thieves was hopping a plane for what would be a two week vacation in Germany were we would play a few shows and hang out with some old friends from the Cable Car Theory days. Chris and Pat were psyched about hopping the pond to tour for the first time overseas. Justin was filling in for Sean, who was delayed by Uncle Sam for his training exercises with the Army. I was more anxious about playing well than anything else, but this tour ended up being more fun than any of us expected.
We stayed with our old dear friends Marcel and Oliver, and their roommate and our new friend Christian. Marcel had worked hard to book us a few shows as our original booking agent screwed us royally and shit the bed with the lack of shows presented. It was OK, we all needed to get away, and in the end, Marcel did a bang up job of getting us more shows than days off.
We played a couple of nights at the Az Conni in Dresden, near Marcel, Oliver, and Christians Flat. At one of the shows we played, we played with a band made up of a bunch of kids from s small town in Croatia. I don’t want to besmirch the name of the town and make my recounting of this tale to become inaccurate; so it is being omitted. They told us that they were at a little club on a river bank the night Cable Car Theory and Come What May rolled through their town and stood up to the Nazi cowards, driving them out with their tails between their legs. Pat was shocked…he had heard the story 100 times (maybe less, maybe more) from me, Brian, and Todd; but now he was hearing it from the kids affected.
It seems our one act of intolerance to the intolerant had snowballed, causing a number of kids to do the same. The kids in the town started walking in groups no smaller than three, and they always were ready to gather up together in a show of defiance against these pricks. It seemed we had shown them they had something of their own that none should attempt to take from them.
I felt a swell of pride having learned this. I had been part of a cast of characters that had, somehow, actually used punk rock to change something big, to defend something wonderful.
Pride, it seems, is always haughty, ignorant, and immature.
Upon returning to New York, I told everyone how good it felt that we had done this small thing; how our ember had grown into a fire. All were pleased. Some were even as proud as I.
A few months passed and I started getting alarming messages on a social website about the death of a vibrant young punk rocker who lived in a town in Croatia where a club used to be on a riverbank, and a bunch of rowdy Germans and Americans had stood up to some Nazis, back when they were a real threat. It seems that this vibrant young person had been alone, and a cowardly bunch of now downtrodden Nazis had come upon him. They stabbed him several times and left him for dead…bleeding, scared, and alone. He died on the ground with no loving arms to hold his hand or teams of doctors and nurses fighting the good, desperate fight to save his life. He breathed his last on the bank of a river that fed what semblance of a growing economy the town had . . . because he was unafraid of the little men with big boots.
I wept for days . . . sometimes soberly, often not. The guilt I felt was laborious; and I began to resent myself. My dream of a world where only those who live hate were hated, of a community of individuals whose merits were as unique as their fingerprints, of a life of humor and art. . .they came crashing down on a young man on the bank of a river where a club used to be. . .
This is why I no longer can play music. It wasn’t my arm that slew this person, and it wasn’t my will that harm befell him . . . but it was my actions that inspired him to dream the same dream, and act for the dream. . . and I can never forget it.
This is why it was so easy for me to walk away from music. This is why I will never look fondly back upon it and think, “. . . those were the days”. . .

Friday, January 22, 2010


Welcome to my blog.

The point of these writings will simply be to vent, to open a forum for discussion, and for me to possibly learn a thing or two from people who don’t necessarily agree with me, but have thoughts on similar issues. Many of these will be political, some personal, some social. I may even wrote some humor, from time to time. . .

The key to the understanding my perspective lies in the premise that I rely on other people to bounce ideas off of, not just to slam ideas down on the key board and pray that they are taken as gospel. Enjoy, and write me as often as you like regarding the topics I choose to discuss. . . .